12-Month Check-Up
By 12 months, most children are cared for outside the home alongside other children, which often leads to them being exposed to infectious diseases. The baby is also moving around the home more, increasing the risk of injury. At this stage, the child is showing early signs of independence and trying to assert their will.
The doctor’s check-up will focus on the child's well-being (weight and height) and development (milestones). The doctor may also listen to the heart and palpate the abdomen.
The parent consultation typically covers topics such as: nutrition (including weaning off the bottle), handling common infectious diseases, and dental care.
The baby can stand up and may walk with support.
When placed on their stomach, the baby crawls on all fours.
The baby can use a pincer grasp (grasping small objects with the thumb and index finger).
The baby can drink from a cup and hold a spoon.
The baby can say a few words, clap hands, and wave.
The baby seeks comfort from parents and may be afraid of strangers.