2-Year Check-Up
At 2 years old, children are busy developing language and motor skills. They can still be somewhat shy at this stage. The doctor’s check-up is not very extensive. In addition to assessing the child's well-being (height and weight) and development (milestones), the focus will also be on any illnesses the child may have experienced.
The parent consultation typically covers topics such as: fostering independence and discipline, play and stimulation, and how to handle common infectious diseases.
The child can walk and run on flat feet.
The child can walk backward.
The child can kick a ball and throw it in a specific direction.
The child can pick up small objects and build a tower with about 5 blocks.
The child can now feed themselves.
The child’s vocabulary is large, and they can speak in 2-3 word sentences.
The child plays "parallel" with other children — meaning they play next to each other, but not necessarily together.