4-Year Check-Up




At 4 years old, the child is very physically active and full of energy. They now have good control over their body. The many infectious diseases of earlier years are typically behind them. During the examination, the doctor will assess the child's well-being (height and weight), development (milestones), and whether the child’s vision and hearing are normal.




Parents often have questions regarding: food and eating habits (including concerns about overweight), interactions with other children, and social skills, such as waiting their turn and standing in line.





  • The child can hop on one foot.

  • The child picks up objects with their fingers rather than using their whole hand.

  • The child can transition from lying down to standing up like an adult.

  • The child can draw people, houses, and animals.

  • The child speaks in longer sentences and can remember rhymes and songs.

  • The child still plays "parallel" with other children, meaning the children play next to each other, but not necessarily together.


Important - Child Examinations must be booked by phone from 9-12.
