5-Month Check-Up




By the time the baby reaches 5 months, the family has usually found their own rhythm. The doctor’s examination will be less comprehensive than the first check-up and will focus on the baby’s well-being (weight and height), development (milestones), and any new health concerns.




The parent consultation typically covers topics such as: nutrition (including breastfeeding and transitioning to foods other than milk), teething, how to handle fever, and when to contact out-of-hours medical services.





  • The baby has control over the position of its head when sitting up.

  • The baby turns its head in response to sounds.

  • When lying on its stomach, the baby lifts its head and supports itself on its forearms.

  • The baby can roll from its stomach to its back.

  • The baby can grasp objects securely and move them from one hand to the other.

  • The baby babbles with different sounds.

  • When lying on its back and holding onto the baby’s hands to gently pull the upper body up, the baby will pull with its arms, bend them, and lift its head.


Important - Child Examinations must be booked by phone from 9-12.
