5-Year Check-Up




The 5-year check-up is the last of the preventive child health examinations. It aims to address any issues that may have arisen during the first five years. At this age, the child can plan and consider their activities, understand the perspective of others, and show consideration.




The doctor’s examination will focus on the child’s well-being (height and weight), development (milestones), and any illnesses the child has had or is still dealing with. The doctor will also test the child’s vision and hearing, unless it has already been tested earlier.




Parents often ask about: starting school, food and eating habits, and the child’s social skills.


  • The child can jump with both feet together.

  • The child can catch a small ball with both hands and throw it overhand.

  • The child can draw a square and cut along a line.

  • The child’s vocabulary is around 2000 words, and they speak well in sentences.

  • The child can count to ten, recognize 4 to 6 colors, and talk about their experiences in daycare.

  • The child now plays properly with other children.



When the child begins school, the preventive health checks related to their well-being and development will be transferred to the local school health nurse.


Important - Child Examinations must be booked by phone from 9-12.
